One-day special feature exhibition/

Schedule: May. 15 [Wed.] 2024 11:00 - 19:00

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We will present a “One-Day Special Exhibit,” and will offer special pricing on the newly added collections. “Vegetables” series by Jim Dine, “Signal” series by Kumi Sugai, and Phase Paintings by Nobuo Sekine will be introduced.

Born 1935 in Ohio. Made his debut in 1959 with a happening at Judson Gallery in New York. Held a solo exhibit at the Whitney Museum in 1970, and at the MoMA in 1978. Participated at the Venice Biennale in 1997. Awarded L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2003. He creates works such as sculptures that use various ordinary items and works using the style of action painting. DINE is considered one of the representative artists of American pop art.

Kumi Sugai was born 1919 in Kobe. He initially worked as a designer for Hankyu Railway Corporation, where he created the logo for Hankyu Braves, one of the first Japanese professional baseball teams. He also studied Japanese-style painting with Teii Nakamura, but in 1952 moved to France where his first solo exhibition at Galerie Craven won considerable praise. In 1955, Sugai started to work with prints, of which he produced about 400 throughout his life. He won the Print First Prize at the Ljubljana International Print Exhibition in 1959, and the Grand Prix of the Sao Paolo Triennial in 1965. Sugai died in 1996, at the age of 77.

The gallery scene of the 1958 movie “Bonjour Tristesse,” by the way, gives a nice impression of Sugai’s early solo exhibitions. Sugai, who entered the international post-war art stage to gather immense successes as an abstract painter, to me has always been an admirable role model and teacher, as his example taught me about the complex relationships between publishers and artists. As a result, we were able to publish more than 70 of his geometrical-abstract prints during the 1970s-80s.

Born in Saitama Prefecture on September 12, 1942. Entered Tama Art University Department of Oil Paining in 1962 and continued his education in the same graduate program where he studied under Saito Yoshishige (graduated in 1968). Achieved many awards including those for "Phase No. 6" at the 8th Gendai Bijutsuten in 1968; for "Phase - Mother Earth" at the Open Air Contemporary Sculpture Exhibit at Suma Rikyu Park; for "Phase - Sponge" at the 5th Nagaoka Museum of Modern Art Exhibition; and others. Exhibited "Phase of Nothingness" at the 35th Venice Biennale in 1970. He used this opportunity to travel through Europe, and returned in Japan in 1971.

Established the Envionmental Art Studio in 1973 (closed in 2010). In 1977, the Louisiana Museum in Denmark completed their permanent Sekine Corner. 1978, a Sekine exhibition traveled around Europe, including at the Louisiana Museum. Sekine moved to Shanghai in 2010. He moved again to the Palos Verdes peninsula in southern Los Angeles in 2012, where he continued his work. Passed away at age 76 on May 13, 2019 at a hospital in Torrance, just outside Los Angeles.